NEW YORK, March 5, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
Global Non-Alcoholic Beverages Industry
The global outlook series on the Non-Alcoholic Beverages Industry provides a collection of statistical anecdotes, market briefs, and concise summaries of research findings. Illustrated with 100 fact-rich market data tables, the report offers a rudimentary overview of the industry, and highlights latest trends and demand drivers. Regional markets briefly abstracted and covered include United States, Canada, Japan, Europe (France, Germany, and United Kingdom), Asia Pacific (Australia, China, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Thailand) and Latin America. The report offers a compilation of recent mergers, acquisitions, and strategic corporate developments. Also included is an indexed, easy-to-refer, fact-finder directory listing the addresses, and contact details of 640 companies worldwide.
1. INDUSTRY OVERVIEW 1Beverages Market: An Overview 1Non-Dairy Organic Beverages 1Organic Tea 1Organic Coffee 2Market Scenario 3Table 1: Global Current and Future Analysis for Non-AlcoholicBeverages by Geographic Region - US, Canada, Europe,Asia-Pacific (including Japan), Latin America and Rest ofWorld Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales in US$Billion for Years 2010 through 2015 3
Table 2: World 5-Year Perspective for Non- Alcoholic
Beverages by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of
Dollar Sales for US, Canada, Europe, Asia-Pacific (including
Japan), Latin America Markets and Rest of World for Years
2011 & 2015 4
A Peek into Trends in Select Segments 4
Bottled Water 4
Grabbing Market Share from Other Beverages and Thirst Quenchers 5
Factors Driving Growth in Bottled Water Consumption 5
Low-Calorie Waters Gaining More Attention 5
Soft Drink Players Make a Foray into the Market 5
Major Companies Penetrate Flavored Water Sector 6
Smaller Sizes - Hitting Big 6
Types of Bottled Water 6
Sparkling Water 6
Non-Sparkling Water 6
Drinking Water 6
Natural Water 6
Spring Water 7
Artesian Water 7
Well Water 7
Purified Water 7
Glacial Water 7
Mineral Water 7
Key Statistical Findings 8
Table 3: World Bottled Water Market (2011): Percentage
Breakdown of Dollar Sales by Geographic Region 8
Table 4: World Bottled Water Market (2011): PercentageBreakdown of Dollar Sales by Product Type 8
Table 5: Global Bottled Water Market (2011): Percentage
Market Share Breakdown by Leading Players 9
Soft Drinks 9
Principal Competitive Factors 9
Table 6: World Carbonated Soft Drinks Market (2011):
Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales by Product Segment -
Colas, Non-Colas, and Other Carbonates 10
Table 7: World Carbonated Soft Drinks Market (2011):Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Sales by Geographic Region -USA, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan),Latin America, and Rest of World 10Trends 10Consumer Preferences Reshape Global Soft Drinks Market 11Consumption on Growth Track 11Competing Closely with Hot Beverages 11Fruit Juices Demand On the Rise 12Advent of Malt-based Non-Alcoholic Beverages 12New Categories Hit the Market 12Consumers Demand Healthy Drinks 13Functional Beverages: A Niche Market 13Herbal Concoctions 13Altering Demographics 13Diet Drink Trends 13FDA Approval for Ace K in Diet Drinks 13Powdered Drinks: Catching Up with Adults 14Hot Drinks Decline in Popularity 14From Soft Drinks to Specialty Drinks 14Consolidation Wave Grips the Soft Drinks Bottling Market 14Fruit Juices - Slowly but Steadily Rising the Charts 14Juice and Drinks in a Duel 15Sports & Energy Drinks 15Sports Drinks 15Energy Drinks 16Tracking Consumption Patterns 16Table 8: World Market for Sports & Energy Drinks (2011):Percentage Share Breakdown of Dollar Sales by GeographicRegion 17
Table 9: World Market for Sports & Energy Drinks (2011):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Dollar Sales by Product Segment 17
Differences Between Sports and Energy Drinks 17
Market Trends 18
Soft Drink Giants Add Fizz to the Sports Energy Drinks Market 18
Younger Generation - Prime Market 18
Health Concerns Fuels Sports & Energy Drinks Growth 19
Flavor - Important Factor 19
Why Sports Drinks are Losing their Market to Energy Drinks 19
Coconut Water - New Sports Drink 19
Table 10: World Sports and Energy Drinks Market: Sports
Drink Vs Coconut Water - A Component Comparison 20
2. HOT BEVERAGES (COFFEE & TEA) 21Coffee Industry - An Overview 21History of Coffee 21Organization and Structure 21Types of Coffee 22Regular Coffee 22Blended Coffee 22Instant Coffee 22Decaffeinated Coffee 22Specialty Coffee 22Tea Industry - An Introduction 23Tea Varieties in Leading Markets 23India 23Sri Lanka 24Africa 24China 24Indonesia 24Some Specialty Blends 24Tea Vs. Coffee: A Pitched Battle 24Table 11: World Market for Hot Beverages (2011) - PercentageBreakdown of Dollar Sales By Segment 25
Table 12: World Market for Coffee (2011) : Percentage Share
Breakdown of Volume Sales by Geographic Region 25
Table 13: World Market for Tea (2011): Percentage ShareBreakdown of Dollar Sales by Geographic Region 25
Overview 26
Prominent Demand Growth Drivers 26
Table 14: World Fruit & Vegetable Juices Market (2011):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Volume Sales by Segment 26
Emerging Economies Present Substantial Growth Opportunities 27
Trends and Issues 27
Fortified Drinks: The Latest Fad 27
Table 15: Nutrients Available in Fruit Juices: Percentage
Availability of Calcium, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, B-Vitamins,
Folic Acid or Folate, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and Beta Carotene 28
100% Juices are in Vogue 28
Convenience and Portability are the Buzz Words 28
Increased Acceptance as an All-Day Drink 29
Demand Growing for Nutritive and Natural Portion-Controlled
Beverages 29
Non-Alcoholic Beverages Market Challenged by Health and
Packaging Issues 72
Bottled Water Market 72
An Overview 72
Growth of Bottled Water Industry 72
Table 16: US Market for Bottled Water (2011): Percentage
Breakdown of Dollar Sales by Product Segment - Non-Sparkling
and Sparkling Water 73
Hot Beverages (Tea & Coffee) Market 73
Coffee Industry 73
Overview 73
Table 17: US Coffee Industry (2011): Percentage Breakdown
of Volume Sales by Segment - Regular Coffee, Cappuccino,
Espresso & Latte, Iced, Frozen, Slushy Coffee, and Flavored
Coffee 74
Table 18: Specialty Coffee Market in the US (2011):Percentage Breakdown of Sales by DistributionChannels-Roasters/Retailers, Food, Drug, Mass SpecialtyBean and Cafes/Other 74
Table 19: US Market for Tea (2011): Percentage Share
Breakdown of Volume Sales by Leading Distribution Channels-
Supermarkets/Hypermarkets, Food Stores, Discounters,
Vending and Others 74
Table 20: United States Hot Beverages (Coffee and Tea)Market(2011): Percentage Breakdown of Unit Sales by Segment 75
Table 21: United States Hot Beverages (Coffee and Tea)
Market (2011): Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Sales by
Segment 75
Tea Industry 75
Overview 75
Fruit/Vegetable Juices 76
Overview 76
Table 22: US Fruit Juices and Drinks Consumption (2011):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Volume Consumption by Region -
Northeast, South, East Central, Pacific, West Central,
Southwest and West 77
Table 23: US Refrigerated Juice & Drink Market (2011):Percentage Value Breakdown of Sales by Product Category 77
Table 24: US Market for Bottled Juices (2011): Percentage
Share of Value Sales by Drink Type 77
Table 25: US Fruit & Vegetable Juices Market (2011):Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales Product Segment 78Sport & Energy Drinks 78Table 26: US Market for Sports and Energy Drinks (2011) -Percentage Share Breakdown of Dollar Sales by Segment (SportsDrinks and Energy Drinks) 78
2. CANADA 79
Non-Alcoholic Beverages Market 79
An Overview 79
Distribution Dynamics 79
Sports & Energy Drinks 79
Bottled Water 79
Table 27: Bottled Water Market in Canada (2011): Percentage
Breakdown of Retail Off-Trade Volume Sales by Distribution
Channel - Supermarkets, Other Food Stores, Discount Stores,
Vending Machines, and Others 80
Table 28: Canadian Fruit & Vegetable Juices Market (2011):Percentage Share Breakdown of Volume Sales by ProductSegment - Fruit Juices (Frozen Concentrates, Chilled Readyto Serve Juices and Shelf Stable Juices) and VegetableJuices 80Hot Beverages (Coffee and Tea) 80An Overview 80Green Tea Gains Popularity 80Table 29: Canadian Hot Beverages Market (2011): PercentageShare Breakdown of Retail Volume Sales for Tea and Coffeeby Distribution Channels - Supermarkets/ Hypermarkets,Other Food Stores, Discounters, Vending, and Others 81
Table 30: Canadian Hot Tea Market (2011): Percentage Share
Breakdown by Location 81
Table 31: Canadian Hot Beverages Market (2011 ): PercentageShare Breakdown by Product Segment - Coffee and Tea 81
3. JAPAN 82
Bottled Water Market 82
Table 32: Japanese Mineral Water Market (2011): Percentage
Share Breakdown of Volume Sales by Product Segment 82
Sports and Energy Drinks Market 82
Hot Beverages (Tea & Coffee) 83
Rising Popularity of Fresh Ground Coffee 83
Table 33: Japanese Coffee Market (2011): Per Capita
Consumption of Coffee on a Weekly Basis 83
Chinese Green Tea in Japan 84
Table 34: Japanese Market for Hot Beverages (2011):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Volume Sales by
Supermarkets/Hypermarkets, Other Food Stores, Discounters,
Vending, and Others 84
Table 35: Japanese Hot Beverages Market (2011): PercentageShare Breakdown by Product Segment - Coffee and Tea 84Fruit & Vegetable Juices 85Table 36: Japanese Market for Vegetable Juices (2011):Percentage Market Share Breakdown by Type 85
Table 37: Japanese Market for Fruit Juice (2011): Percentage
Share Breakdown of Retail Volume Sales by Major Flavors -
Orange (Including Frozen and Not Frozen), Apple, Grapefruit,
Grape, Pineapple, Mixed and Others 85
Table 38: Japanese Fruit & Vegetable Juices Market (2011):Percentage Share Breakdown of Volume Sales by ProductSegment - Fruit Juices (Frozen Concentrates, Chilled Readyto Serve Juices and Shelf Stable Juices) 86
Table 39: Japanese Fruits and Vegetable Drinks Market
(2010): Percentage Share Breakdown of Imports by Product
type 86
Table 40: Japanese Fruits and Vegetable Drinks Market(2010): Percentage Share Breakdown of Imports by Regions 86
Table 41: Japanese Soft Drinks Market (2011): Percentage
Share Breakdown of Volume Sales by Segments 87
Table 42: Japanese Soft Drinks Market (2011): PercentageShare Breakdown of Volume Sales by Packaging 87
Table 43: Japanese Stimulant Drinks Market (2011):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Volume Sales by Segments 87
Table 44: Japanese Carbonated Beverages Market (2011):Percentage Share Breakdown of Volume Sales by Segments 88
Table 45: Japanese Soft Drinks Market (2011): Percentage
Share Breakdown of Sales by Distribution Channels 88
4. EUROPE 89Table 46: European Recent Past, Current and Future Analysisfor Non-Alcoholic Beverages by Geographic Region - France,Germany, Italy, UK, Spain and Rest of Europe MarketsIndependently Analyzed with Dollar Sales in US$ Billion forYears 2010 through 2015 89
Table 47: European 5-Year Perspective for Non-Alcoholic
Beverages Industry by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown
of Dollar Sales for France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain and Rest
of Europe Markets for Years 2011 & 2015 90
Sports and Energy Drinks 90
Table 48: European Market for Sports and Energy Drinks
(2011): Percentage Share Breakdown of Dollar Sales by Product
Segment - Sports Drinks and Energy Drinks 91
Fruit & Vegetable Juices 91
Overview 91
Table 49: European Fruit & Vegetable Juices Market ( 2011):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Volume Sales by Product
Segment- Fruit Juices (Frozen Concentrates, Chilled Ready to
Serve Juices and Shelf Stable Juices) and Vegetable Juices 91
Scenario in the European Organic Juices Market 92
Bottled Water 92
Consumption Trends 92
Table 50: European Market for Bottled Water (2011):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Dollar Sales by Product
Segment - Sparkling Water and Non-Sparkling Water 92
Hot Beverages (Tea & Coffee) 93
Table 51: European Per-Capita Coffee Consumption (2011) by
Top 15 Countries (In Kilograms) 93
Table 52: European Hot Beverages (Coffee and Tea) (2011):Percentage Share Breakdown of Dollar Sales by GeographicRegion 93
Table 53: European Hot Beverages Market (2011): Percentage
Share Breakdown of Dollar Sales by Product Segment - Coffee
and Tea 94
Fortified Drinks Gain Ground 94
Newcomers Ruling the Roost 94
Key Statistics 95
Table 54: European Beverage Market (2011): Percentage Share
Breakdown of Volume Sales by Categories 95
Table 55: European Per Capita Consumption (In Liters) ofBeverages (2011): Breakdown by Category 95
Table 56: European Soft Drinks Market (2011): Percentage
Share Breakdown of Volume Sales by Calorie Type - Low-calorie
& Regular 96
Key Statistics for Select European Countries 96
Table 57: Italian Beverages Market (2011): Percentage Share
Breakdown of Volume Sales by Segments 96
Table 58: Italian Soft Drinks Market (2011): Percentage ShareBreakdown of Volume Sales by Product Type - Low-calorie &Regular 96
Table 59: Spanish Beverages Market (2011): Percentage Share
Breakdown of Volume Sales by Segments 97
Table 60: Spanish Soft Drinks Market (2011): Percentage ShareBreakdown of Volume Sales by Product Type - Low-calorie &Regular 97
Table 61: Italian Per Capita Consumption (In Liters) of
Beverages (2011): Breakdown by Category 98
Table 62: Spanish Per Capita Consumption (In Liters) ofBeverages (2011): Breakdown by Category 98
4a. FRANCE 99
Bottled Water Market 99
An Overview 99
Soft Drinks 99
Fruit and Vegetable Juice Market 99
An Overview 99
100% Juice Sector - A Vibrant Market 100
Table 63: French Fruit & Vegetable Juices Market (2011) -
Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales for Fruit Juices
(Frozen Concentrates, Chilled Ready to Serve Juices and
Shelf Stable Juices) and Vegetable Juices 100
Table 64: French Hot Beverages Market (2011): PercentageShare Breakdown of Volume Sales by Leading DistributionChannels - Supermarkets/Hypermarkets, Discounters, OtherFood Stores, and Vending 100
Table 65: French Hot Beverages Market (2011): Percentage
Share Breakdown of Dollar Sales by Product Segment - Coffee
and Tea 101
Table 66: French Soft Drinks Market (2011): Percentage ShareBreakdown of Volume Sales by Product Type - Regular &Low-Calorie 101
Table 67: French Per Capita Consumption (In Liters) of
Beverages (2011): Breakdown by Category 101
4b. GERMANY 102Hot Beverages (Tea & Coffee) 102An Overview 102Table 68: German Hot Beverages Market (2011): PercentageShare Breakdown of Dollar Sales by Product Segment - Coffeeand Tea Markets 102
Table 69: Leading Distribution Channels in the German Hot
Beverages Market (2011): Percentage Share Breakdown of
Retail Volume Sales by Supermarkets/Hypermarkets, Other Food
Stores, Discounters, Vending, and Others 102
Fruit and Vegetable Juices Market 103
An Overview 103
Key Statistics 103
Table 70: German Beverages Market (2011): Percentage Share
Breakdown of Volume Sales by Product Category 103
Table 71: German Soft Drinks Market (2011): Percentage ShareBreakdown of Volume Sales by Product Type - Low-calorie &Regular 104
Table 72: German Market for Bottled Water (2011): Percentage
Share Breakdown of Dollar Sales by Product Segment -
Sparkling Water and Non-Sparkling Water 104
Table 73: German Market for Fruit Juice (2011): PercentageShare Breakdown by Popular Flavors - Apple, OrangeMultivitamin and Others. (In liters) 104
Table 74: German Fruit & Vegetable Juices Market (2011):
Percentage Share Breakdown of Volume Sales by Product Segment-
Fruit Juices (Frozen Concentrates, Chilled Ready to Serve
Juices and Shelf Stable Juices) and Vegetable Juices 104
Table 75: German Market for Sports and Energy Drinks (2011):Percentage Share Breakdown of Dollar Sales by Product Segment- Sports Drinks and Energy Drinks 105
Table 76: German Per Capita Consumption (In Liters) of
Beverages (2011): Breakdown by Category 105
4c. UNITED KINGDOM 106Bottled Water Market - An Overview 106Market Drivers 106Popular Bottled Water Categories 106Sports and Energy Drinks 106Table 77: UK Sports and Energy Drinks Market (2011):Percentage Share Breakdown of Dollar Sales by Product Segment- Sports Drinks and Energy Drinks 107Fruit & Vegetable Juices Market 107Recession Affects Sales of Premium Products 107Fruit Juices' Health and Well-being Status Bolster Demand inthe UK 107Key Statistics 108Table 78: UK Beverages Market (2011): Percentage Market ShareBreakdown of Volume Sales by Product Category 108
Table 79: UK Soft Drinks Market (2011): Percentage Share
Breakdown of Volume Sales by Product Type - Low Calorie and
Regular 108
Table 80: UK Fruit & Vegetable Juices Market (2011):Percentage Share Breakdown of Volume Sales by Product Segment- Fruit Juices (Frozen Concentrates, Chilled Ready to ServeJuices and Shelf Stable Juices) and Vegetable Juice 109
Table 81: UK Hot Beverages Market (2011): Percentage Share
Breakdown of Dollar Sales by Product Segment - Coffee and Tea 109
Table 82: UK Soft Drinks Market (2011): Percentage ShareBreakdown of Volume Sales by Packaging 109
Table 83: UK Bottled Water Market (2011): Percentage Share
Breakdown of Volume Sales by Product Type - Natural Mineral
Water, Spring Water and Bottled Drinking Water 110
Table 84: UK Bottled Water Market (2011): Percentage ShareBreakdown of Volume Sales by Packaging 110
Table 85: UK Carbonated Drinks Market (2011): Percentage
Share Breakdown of Volume Sales by Flavors 110
Table 86: UK Carbonated Drinks Market (2011): PercentageShare Breakdown of Volume Sales by Packaging 110
Table 87: UK Dilutables Market (2011): Percentage Share
Breakdown of Volume Sales by Category 111
Table 88: UK Fruit Juices Market (2011): Percentage ShareBreakdown of Volume Sales by Flavors 111
Table 89: UK Fruit Juices Market (2011): Percentage Share
Breakdown of Volume Sales by Packaging 111
Table 90: UK Still and Juice Drinks Market (2011): PercentageShare Breakdown of Volume Sales by Product Type - Regular andLow Calorie 111
Table 91: UK Still and Juice Drinks Market (2011): Percentage
Share Breakdown of Volume Sales by Category 112
Table 92: UK Sports Drinks Market (2011): Percentage ShareBreakdown of Volume Sales by Product Type 112
Table 93: UK Per Capita Consumption (In Liters) of Beverages
(2011): Breakdown by Category 112
5. ASIA-PACIFIC 113Bottled Water Market 113Overview 113Table 94: Asia-Pacific Market for Bottled Water (2011)Percentage Share Breakdown of Dollar Sales by GeographicRegion - China, Indonesia, Thailand, and Rest ofAsia-Pacific 113Competition 113Key Statistics 114Table 95: Asia-Pacific for Vegetable Juices Market (2011):Percentage Share Breakdown of Volume Sales by GeographicRegion - China, India, and Rest of Asia-Pacific 114
Table 96: Asia-Pacific Fruit & Vegetable Juices Market
(2011): Percentage Share Breakdown of Volume Sales by Product
Segment- Fruit Juices (Frozen Concentrates, Chilled Ready to
Serve Juices and Shelf Stable Juices) and Vegetable Juices 114
Table 97: Asia Pacific Market for Hot Beverages Market(2011): Percentage Share Breakdown of Dollar Sales by ProductSegment - Coffee and Tea 114Overview of Select Markets 114Australia 114Improving Economy Bolsters Caf? Culture 115Upsurge of Premium Products Associated With Classy Lifestyle 115China 115The Chinese Bottled Water Industry: An Insight 115Market Dynamics 115Poor Quality Tap Water Provides Impetus to the Marketplace 116Price Wars Dominating the Industry 116Chinese Fruit and Vegetable Juices Industry 117An Overview 117Competitive Scenario 117Chinese Coffee Industry 117An Overview 117Chinese Tea Industry 118An Overview 118Key Statistics 119Table 98: Chinese Soft Drinks Market (2011): Percentage ShareBreakdown of Volume Sales by Categories 119India 119Bottled Drinking Water Drives the Indian Non-AlcoholicBeverage Sector 119Energy & Sports Drinks Market: A Lucrative Segment 120Coffee Industry 120An Overview 120Tea Industry 120An Overview 120Indonesia 121Coffee Industry 121An Overview 121Tea Industry 122An Overview 122West Java: Indonesia's Tea Production Hub 122Functional Herbs Propel Up the Instant Coffee Sector inIndonesia 122South Korea 122Sri Lanka 123Vietnam 123Thailand 123Fruit and Vegetable Juices Market 123Recession Slows Down Growth 123Pineapple Juice- Major Export Item 124
Bottled Water Market 125
Overview 125
Table 99: Latin American Sports and Energy Drinks Market:
Percentage Market Share Breakdown of Dollar Sales by Product
Segment - Sports Drinks and Energy Drinks 125
Fruit & Vegetable Juice Market 125
Brazil - Largest Producer of Orange Juice 125
Mexico - A Leading Market for Fruit and Vegetable Juices 125
Recession Leads to Increase in Prices 126
Table 100: Leading Flavors in the Mexican Market for Fruit
and Vegetable Juices (2011): Percentage Breakdown of Volume
Sales in 100% Juice Category by Flavors - Orange, Apple,
Grape, Mango, Pineapple, Grape Fruit, Mixed Vegetables and
Other Flavors 126
To order this report:Soft Drink Industry: Global Non-Alcoholic Beverages Industry
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Nicolas Bombourg
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Intl: +1 805-652-2626
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